This is an abstract of a blog of Msgr. Charles Pope, a priest of Archdiocese Washington.
1. Required fasting is almost non-exist in the Catholic Church today (absolutely in Protestants, my note). A simple will power can pull off a fast, especially the mitigate one.
2. In the Gospel Matt 9:14-15, Jesus ask this question as a reply for the disciples, “Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.”
3. The wedding feast, Jesus’ time with the disciples, was a time of satiation.
4. So, if you want to have the capacity to fast spiritually and truly you have to experience the wedding feast of the Lamb of God. We were and are to encounter him and feast abundantly on his Word, his Body and Blood in:
a) Prayer
b) Scripture
c) Liturgy
d) And wherever and whenever our life is blooming. (my note)
It is not the end. More information was documented in